Answers You Need
What is the maximum capacity of your center?
The ratio of children varies depending on the classroom. Our center's maximum capacity is 99 children.
What are your ratios for each classroom?
Infants: 1 teacher to 5 children
Toddlers: 1 teachers to 6 children
Preschoolers: 2 teachers to 12 children
What is Brightwheel
Bright wheel is our online discussion space where parents and teachers can communicate extensively, share photos and videos of the children, updates on closings, inquire about payments, event announcements and much more!
How young/old must my child be to attend BP2FP?
We take child starting at 6 months to 12 years of age!
Do you offer Head Start?
Yes, we do offer Head Start for all Pre-K students.
How do you prioritize inclusion?
BP2FP is a company that values inclusion and diversity. All staff members receive specialized training in diversity and inclusion; as well as courses tailored towards children with autism, ADHD/ADD and other psychological and intellectual difficulties. We believe that the most influential way to teach children is through strong leadership and action; when seeing the adults in their lives treat others with respect and compassion they tend to be more inclined to mimic that behavior. Lastly, we do focus on diversity and inclusion in many of the lessons in our curriculum.
Is your program accredited by a 3rd party agency?
We are NAEYC accredited and licensed by the state of Ohio. This ensures your child is receiving quality care in a safe environment.
How do you prioritize safety?
The safety of your child is paramount to us, we have several measures to ensure your child's physical and psychological safety. First, all of our staff members are trained in CPR, First Aid and communicable disease as well as subject to yearly fire and tornado drills. Secondly, our facility is locked 24/7, guests are met at the door and parents are buzzed in and met at the entry way. Next, we check children upon entry and before leaving for any injuries or concerns and communicate those with their parent and/or guardian. Lastly, bullying is never tolerated; we encourage any grievances of concerns of the children to be voiced freely and support them in resolving conflicts amongst their peers.
Does your center offer private pay or county pay?
BP2FP accepts both private and county pay.